Saturday, June 30, 2007

Just Some Pictures

Friends called and asked us to join them at a local icecream place that has a small animal petting area for the kids. This little outfit Caroline has on is one of my latest favorites.

As soon as this baby heard the animals, her icecream was handed off to Dad and off she went to find them.

Flowers from the garden.

Rescued delphinium (it had tipped over and the stem broke)


Kristen said...

Baaaaaa, she looks as cute and fuzzy as the sheep with that warm, cozy jacket on. Ok she is cuter than the sheep, sorry. Was that the scoop by chance? I have not been there in years, I met the old guy that lives there though, he told me they still have the donkey :)

Cheryl said...

What a nice bunch of pictures! Caroline does love the critters in this world, doesn't she?!

Biddie said...

And she loves the flowers, too - the blue deli that she is holding is fine - what a great picture with her Dad holding her!!

Biddie said...

Good Morning to ya! Hope you have a great day!!

Biddie said...

Good Morning -- heard that you had a visit down in here in the Southland! Hope you had a great time - I'm sure Caroline was a joy for them to see - she probably has grown an awful lot since your family had last seen her!

All is well here - the surveyor is finally doing his thing over at Possum Hollow - good thing! I was starting to wonder if he was scamming off with my down payment!!

Have a good day!!

Biddie said...

Hello? Knock, knock!! Hello? Mo, are you here? Hello?

oh, phooey! guess not ... check ya later...