Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Let's Play a Bit of...What's This?

This is what sprouts from the weird seeds at the center of the female sego palm. Pretty cool, Huh? Thanks for the update picture Mom.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

First Blooms

I have some daffies blooming, but these blooms took me by surprise today.

Lentan Rose (Hellebore of some sort)


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Accountability, a big word with a big meaning..."the quality or state of being accountable ; especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions" (Webster's definition).
I should know better than to use the above mentioned word in conjunction with weight loss. I came up with this hair-brained idea that I was going to start a "diet" (for me, this is eating more healthfully). The accountability part of this plan was to take a picture of everything I eat throughout the day (stop laughing!!).
Well, obviously I didn't start Monday as planned. Maybe sometime soon.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Past Few Months

Future Bindi?

The Waif

The Girls - 3 generations

Uncle Tim taking his favorite niece fishing.

Helping Gramma take care of the daffies.

"Tinkerbell" an injured Kemp's Ridley was met at the sea turtle hospital on Jekyll Island, GA

Cheesin' it up at the beach.

Walking to "Turtle Pond" at Gramma and Grampa's

GA vacation over, back to work. Helping Daddy install the new back door, trim, and wainscotting. She really kept him on task.

All work and no play...

Tater and Lily jumping for joy at the freedom of being off lead and romping through the woods.