Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yup, Here're More

Another beautiful and productive day at Stately Watson Manor.

Caroline wanted to do a photo shoot today. She is definitely not shy.

More examples of the day lilies. I have to say, as the addict that I am, I just dug and bagged the things and didn't even think to write down the names of the blasted things. I think I can maybe name about 8 of the now 26 varieties; that is just plain sad.

Caroline and I cleaned out the stream bed/runoff ditch today. What a nice difference it makes. I didn't really get before pictures, but if you look back at the last post, the picture of the whole yard has a glimpse of the what the ditch looked like yesterday.

Tater at 8 weeks, still at breeder; Tater at 6 months, relaxing in the chair on the deck.
No post would be complete without pictures of the dogs. As you can see the Tater Tot is getting to be quite the Tater Tuber, pretty soon he'll be a full on Spud. But til then, Lili will keep him in training and in line.

Just Some Pictures

I'm an addict...according to Cheryl, I'm addicted to day lilies. There are worse things, right? Cheryl and Caroline and I went back to the day lily close out sale at a local farm. I left with another 12 varieties. Caroline and I planted them later in the day and gave them a good watering.

My faithful mud puppy.

The "wishing I was in the front yard running through the gardens" crew. Tater shows up fine, the white spot next to his head on the left is Lili's chest.

Don't remember the name of this one, but it's one of my favorites.

This is "Pandora's Box"

The new plants in the ground. Just planted them all where I wanted them and will take my time getting rid of the grass in between or maybe I'll leave it as a path of sorts through the garden

Oasis with Casablanca lilies, harvest moon cone flower, and purple cone flower.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Messing with Some Pictures

Cheryl told me a bit about "enhancing" pictures using the sharpness, saturation, contrast, etc. stuff on my picture download program. I have posted the before and afters; let me know what you think.

Gathering Blooms

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Visit

Cheryl and I realized that it has been quite some time since I'd been over to the west side. I've been plugging along dealing with the three year oldness of Caroline, most times not as well as I would like, but getting through it without a nervous breakdown so far. Cheryl has been dealing with Bully issues. Although through all our trials and tribulations, we have still managed to get into our gardens and commiserate with Ma Nature, as I'm sure she has many of the same issues, just not the same critters. Anyway, the visit inspired me to take a stroll and appreciate what I have growing over on my side.

These are the same plant, one a close up of the flowers. It is a cobweb hens and chicks and it surprised me with these little flowers.

Another type of hens and chicks, and the flowers look to be yellow, but we'll see.

Oasis garden.

Day lily area, I recently add the stone wall and it really makes a nice difference.

The upside downiest puppy in the world. This is the way he sleeps most of the time.