Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Daylily season begins; Fountain progress report

View from bench toward road

View from road toward bench

The tub has been set. The bricks are to make the substructure for the catch basin; it needs to be wider than the tub to collect over splash from the water dripping from the larger bowl of the fountain.

This is one of my favorite day lilies. It is a dark rosey pink with a green throat.

This one is huge, about 8" across with thick petals with ruffled edges.

Pinkish Peach

This is the only one I remember the name, "Pink Baby" It is quite small in comparison to the others.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day

It was a busy weekend. The high light of which was a VERY moving sermon by one of the deacons of our church...basically, I was a sobbing mess after service. I can't truly put my finger on it, but I was touched by the words she chose to express her gratitude to our service men and women past and present, forgotten or remembered.

Our town's tradition is to have the Memorial Day Parade march to the cemetery to honor our fallen heroes through music, prayer, and speeches. As president of the historical society, I suggested we dress in varying period costumes to kind of liven things up and not seem so dowdy. It was a lot of fun.