Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Surprises-a horse and some tea

One of my sisters in law gave me this cool blooming tea. The aroma is amazing and as it steeps you get a nice show as it literally blooms, and then the taste is awesome ( a mix of green tea and jasmine)
To go with the teas, she gave me a clear tea brewing mug so I can watch it.

And finally, I LOVE this one, a wonderfully talented friend and fellow Januarian gave me this very cute punch needle; she did everything, made up the design, made the frame, and framed the picture. One really cool thing is that I want a horse as badly as she wants a burro, but for some reason I haven't run across horse things I want to collect, until now. Thank you, I just love it.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

Catching Up

Caroline finally notices her tractor.

Caroline's tractor.

Special stocking Gramma made for Caroline.

Falling asleep on her John Deere.

First snow angel.

Caroline decided the first needed a friend.

Resting after angel making.

Checking her work.

First run.

Lili wants to ride too.

Last run...a broken branch from the icestorm slashed to tube.