Friday, July 17, 2009

A Day in My Life

Caroline and Tater getting along

Baby Chickadees the last day in the nest. There were three.

This is one of the robins that have been gathering worms and grubs for their babies.

Devil's Spire

Double bloom red bee balm.

Balloon Flower


Cheryl said...

I wandered over here and was pleasantly surprised...multiple posts!! HooHa!!

Love the shot of Tater & Caroline, I like to see the relationship between the two, it's a great picture.

Ok, what's this...Devil's Spire? You have a plant in your garden that I haven't heard of, and it has such a cool name!! No rest for the weary, between you and Kris I really need to step up my gardening game :)

Your lilies are amazing, really nice variety.

Kristen said...

Me neither never heard of that one, and Puleeze Cheryl, you come up with some doozies!!!
Your yard looks great Mo I love to drive by every day and see the new stuff emerging

Biddie said...

The Devil's Spire is a beautiful red! I've not heard of it either!!

Love the picture of Tater and Caroline. When I was her age, my family had a big Irish Setter named Pete that I would use as a pillow also - thanks for bringing up the memory for me.