Saturday, July 11, 2009

Chickadee Hut


Cheryl said...

Hey nice shots...I think, only the last one enlarges. But from what I can tell they look awesome :)

Maureen said...

Why does that happen? I've been trying to open the others as well without success.

Priscilla said...

That's a charming birdhouse!

Re: enlargement,Try putting a space or two between your pictures.

Cheryl said...

I know you like the bigger size, but I would try to make each picture just a tad smaller. It's worth a shot anyway...

Biddie said...

What a delightful little bird house! Looks like mama chickadee thinks so also.

Last week, I discovered a swallow (I think) has made a nest up in the top of the chimney - I'll have to get a chimney sweep out here before next winter to clean the chimney out - and then put some kind of grating up over the openings at the top.

The only suggestion that I might have about the smaller sizes of the first 3 pictures is did you happen to notice any setting that might have restricted the larger sizes from appearing when you uploaded the pics to start with?

Maureen said...

Well, I tried the spacing, no go.
There wasn't a warning or statement re: the image size while I was loading them.
I wish they would all enlarge, the top one you can actually see the caterpillar that she is feeding the little ones.

Cheryl said...

It was just a thought.

Kristen said...

Hmmm you took them all at the same time without changing the setting? Weird. Good shots, I wonder if that's the chick that was taking my sisal??
Your garden is filling in really nice there lady, I noticed today when I came home from vacation

Kristen said...

I was filling my bird bath over by the house that my chickadee's have been living it, all of a sudden, I heard peep peep peep peep in multiples, the babies must have hatched!!