Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dogs-a day in the life

Tater getting a feel for Lili's mood.

Testing Lili's patience.

"come on Lili, chase me"

"Now leave me alone runt!!"


Cheryl said...

Ha! She laid that little Whippersnapper out :) I can't believe how big Tater is...he doesn't seem to stop growing!
They make a nice pair.

Kristen said...

Where have you been? How is the punch needle? Do you need any tips or help????

Biddie said...

Tator reminds me of the phrase "Goofus Maximus" - a fun-loving soul. Poor Lili has a hard time keeping that young whipper-snapper showing the proper respect ....

Cheryl said...

Hope you get your power back soon!!