Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Messing with Some Pictures

Cheryl told me a bit about "enhancing" pictures using the sharpness, saturation, contrast, etc. stuff on my picture download program. I have posted the before and afters; let me know what you think.


Cheryl said...

Good job! It is hard to capture what you see into a picture, those tools really help bring it out. A camera can't compete with the spectrum visible to the human eye. It's fun too, isn't it?
The gladiolus picture is my favorite, very pretty.

Kristen said...

I was just going to say I like the Gladiola picture the best in the after.... You made me remember when I lived at my parents house, I planted a bunch of those for my mom, I loved seeing them come up but they would fall over and seeing back then I wasn't much of a gardener, I just left them there laying on the ground, I should have staked them up or cut for arranging. I am going to get some for my house now, do you plant them in the fall???

Biddie said...

The difference is really noticable - all 3 of the pictures are better when you emphasized the elements that you want with cropping, focusing and/or color saturation. You can also save pictures that come out too dark by increasing the overall "gamma" setting or by removing light from a washed out picture by lowering the "gamma" setting. Looks fine! I do it routinely to all my pictures - by cropping out the unnecessary parts, it makes the uploading/downloading go faster also. Good job, for sure!

Biddie said...

P.S. I like the gladiolus picture the best also.

Biddie said...

Hi - I managed to get all the way thru to the end of Shift - then got wiped out trying to pick up my "trophy" - (grin) good game!

thanks for mentioning it!!

Priscilla said...

Afters are much better. The glads are wonderful as cut flowers.