Friday, February 11, 2011

For the Birds


Cheryl said...

Nice shots! I haven't seen any blue jays at my feeder, that's kind of odd, eh?

I was thinking about the center ~ you know that little center spot where the pansies where? How about you and I chip in and get a tall obelisk for there and plant it with morning glories? Or maybe mandevilla? I think a taller vertical accent would look nice ~ what do you think?

Maureen said...

This is the first year I've gotten the Jays. They are such an amazing color contrast to the snow.

That is a great idea. I think morning glory is the way to go. they are cheap and easy to maintain once established. AND they self sow. AND come in so many different colors, yippee!!!!!!

Cheryl said...

Morning glories it is :) I've been thinking of somehow putting M. glories up front somehow, now that the tree is gone and that spot gets so much sunlight.

I've had a hankering for a huge splash of blue.

Cheryl said...

Somehow...I need to stop using the word somehow so much :P

Biddie said...

I almost missed this post - great shots of the two birds!