Thursday, January 13, 2011

I have been harranged

Hi...back to the land of the information highway.  It's a new year right?  My pledge...I will check my blog and those of you that I have blirked for the past few months AND leave comments and/or answer comments regarding things I may have posted.
Now, I am sitting here with one hand on my computer and the other in the air; you know, it's really hard to type with your nose.



Kristen said...

what is that bird, we had one today and work chasing all the birds at the feeder, I thnk it got one too, it was relentless, I got a video of it I can figure out how to get it on the internet from my work but I can do it from here, soon....

Maureen said...

It's a red shoulder hawk that was hanging around the golf course my parents live on in GA. It was amazing how used to people it is and my mom said it had been hanging around the same area for a few months.

Priscilla said...

I suppose the hawk wants to recapture happiness (little birds) too.

Cheryl said...

Woohooo!!!! It's very good to have you back :)

Maureen said...

P~Only if it's a blue bird.

Cheryl said...

Ha!! Bluebird!!!