I have been reconnecting with Mother Earth. Just doing the usual garden clean outs and expanding others. No pictures just really dirty hands, knees, and backside. Oh how nice it is to dig around a weed to get all the roots and find a bunch of earth worms wriggling about in the soil. All the plants, planted later in the season last year, are coming back and seem to be doing well. The mandavilla I was wintering over was moved out of doors yesterday; she doesn't look so good though, but I'll give it a bit more time. I also have found myself just sitting in my front yard gazing at the house and thinking about the ultimate plan for the yard. It has come to me and I've sketched it out on an online gardening site that lets you plan your landscape; the next task is to get the hubby on board with the actual foundation plantings I would like to do. This will most likely be a several year plan to implement, but I think well worth it. The hard part to remember is to stick with the plan; I find myself searching for solace at the plant places and just drooling over all the possibilities. I have to rein myself in and just buy the one or two filler plants I need to get through this year and get back to thinking about the weed clothe I need to put down, the woodland ferns I need to get rid of out of one of the gardens, and the reclaiming of the runoff/spring ditch stream along one edge of our property.
Meanwhile, Caroline pretty much still enjoys puttering around the gardens with me, and when she gets too bored with the whole thing she goes off and makes some "leaf soup" or plays with the dogs (until the pup gets too excited and starts really nipping at her)
I've often thought that gardening is therapeutic..something soothing to the soul. When everything around you can become so stressful there is simple gratification in watching your garden bloom. I admire you planning out your future plantings, I wish I had been more thoughtful when I started out. Dave said the town guys should come over to clean out that culvert if you ask them. I love the stained glass!! Beautiful :)
What web site is that you can design gardens? I don't think I have the patience but I would like to see.... Your poor doggie still has to wear that shade on his head?
Good Morning! Hope your garden plans are coming along. And hope that Tateris also coming along OK ..
WOW!! The picture of the stained glass window just came into focus - it's beautiful!!!
I walked away from the computer to go get the meter reading for the the meter reader (who doesn't like to come into the yard because of Freebe) - when I got back, there it was! What a great surprise!
Good Morning to ya - have a great day ......
Hey Hystorical President!!!! Good Job!!!!
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