Caroline FINALLY gets to go fishing and had a blast. Uncle Dave was kind enough to take Daddy and Caroline out and rowed them around for about 4 hours. Thanks Uncle Dave!!! Caroline caught 3 pumpkin seed fish, but she'll tell you it was 4 (already telling fish tales, I guess it's just a natural thing when you fish)

Practicing Casting

First Cast


Cousin on the Big Rock. It was her first time fishing too.

Back on shore - refused to stop fishing and get out of the boat.

Caroline still in the front of that boat. Uncle Dave giving Johnny fishing lessons.

At Auntie Cheryl and Uncle Dave's on the new porch eating corn on the cob in her undies after a hard day of fishing. Can life get any better?

Still not willing to give up the fishing rod, had to go practice casting.

On the way home, still has the fishing rod.
She definitely loves to fish!! That was a nice day :)
What a great day - looks like you have a fishing-fiend on your hands! Where did Dave find the boat's drain plug?
It's still in the same place he put it so he wouldn't lose it...but he can't remember where that he jury rigged a plug for it that worked out fine. Do you recognize the boat?
Not the first time I looked at the pictures, but, now, upon going back and looking at them (and remembering a scrap of previous conversation with you), I could vaguely remember the rowboats to Dove Island from years ago ... I clicked on the larger pictures and I could see the Dove Island label on the side!!! If this is an original rowboat with the original name, the boat is over 45 years old!!! That's pretty good ....
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