The "oasis" this year is coming back quite nicely.

All different kinds of hens and chicks with stonecrop and Icelandic poppies. Everything in this little garden being watched diligently by the wonderful Angel Cheryl surprised me with and Sir Gopher Tortoise.
Oriental poppy that Caroline planted last year. It is AMAZING and has 7 buds at last count.

I have recently found that Mr. Tater is a hoarder. I'm wrestling with putting him into therapy for the disorder. Seriously though, he came through the stitches and the cone thing fine with no trauma to his emotional state.

A little surprise in the fold of a big blue tarp. These little guys are some sort of wren. I remember at the park in spring time any vehicle standing still for more than a day would have the beginnings of a Carolina Wren's nest in the strangest places. For example, I found one on the trailer hitch on the ATV used on our beach patrol. Now, this particular vehicle was used daily and in the maybe 8 hours it didn't run the beaches, a wren had made a nest. Another time, a couple of different wren's were making nests in the glove compartment of some of our "Gators" (another ATV type vehicle, but with a flat bed in back used to haul stuff )

The side yard that I finished clearing the brambles from this year.

The day lily area that has turned out the be one of my favorite spots in the yard. It's a shame it is so close to the road. Still a work in progress though.
Awesome shot of the babies!! Your gardens are looking great, I've never seen such a robust poppy!! It will be gorgeous when it blooms.
My Poppy is no where near as big as yours!!!! You are doing a great job too on your yard and gardens, I like it
I love poppies too - but I don't which ones are illegal. I've read that some are - you can ship them but not own them? I can't remember correctly.
I see them in the catalogs and I just go "ga-ga" over them (the pretty flowers NOT the extractable drug ..)
Was that you dressed up like Martha Washington today????
Was that you dressed up like Martha Washington today????
Yes that was me. I was actually a Civil War era washer woman though. I figured as the new pres of the Hysterical Society, I should set a good example and dress like some of the people we are trying to find info on. Maybe spark people into coming forward with some family histories whether spoken and recorded or pictures or clothing, tools, etc.
Hi Maureen,
I love that picture of the baby birds!! I can't wait to show my daughter.
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