Sunday, August 22, 2010

What have I been up to...

I figure I'll let the pictures tell the story.
The town pond was reopened this year and I assisted with the swimming program.

Went to GA to hang with my Mom and Brother.

Took my Aunt (whom I hadn't seen in about 30 years) to see a nature show. Caroline was enthralled as usual, Aunt Janie...not so much.

This one was displaying for another of it's buddies.

Tried my damnedest to capture the one adult male that frequented the feeder, but only captured what I think is a young male we named Red Spot. The other had some sort of radar and flew away whenever I had my camera.

First night of Fireman's Carnival

Historical Society Booth

Caroline trying to win a prize with her friend Tova

Caroline was CRAZY for the gian slide

She only rode this one because it was within view of the HHS booth I had to man.


Biddie said...

Looks like you folks are having a great summer!!! Will Caroline start school this Fall?

Maureen said...

she sure does. Kindergarten for half a day! Yippeee!

Kristen said...

Isn't my cousin Tove so cute!! So is caroline of course, she is getting so Big!
1/2 day of freedom! whatever will you do with yourself!, I bet you have plenty of things to tackle. Corey starts HS this year, Yikes!