Sunday, August 22, 2010

And there's still more

First we expanded the width of the front steps.

Had a visit from two of my cousins and their kids. Fun, but too short a time together.

Painted alcove area with the new color and tried out the future new front door.
Most of the font painted. Caroline helped paint the first railing. Still haven't changed front door.

This is what the front of the house will eventually look like. I'm still a bit rough around the edges with the program I used to do this.


Cheryl said...

Looking great over there! I love those expanded stairs, and the color of the house is very nice :) You guys got a lot done in such a short time, I was surprised today when we passed by.

Biddie said...

I love your new front steps - they are so much more welcoming - they were well worth the effort!

aha - you're playing with a graphics program - fun - and much easier and quicker to try out new colors on your house than with the old-fashioned paintbrush.

Maureen said...

Thanks guys. I've been thinking and testing paint colors on the house for a few years. We figured if we could at least get the front of the house done before winter sets in, we'll be doing good.

Kristen said...

Your new stairs look 100% better than the old ones and when you have company (Trick or treaters for instance) it will be so much easier for them to come up the stairs and not be crowded. I likey a lot!! The color is nice too, makes it look fresh and sassy!! oh thats something for a new hairdoo, oh well, it applies to your house too!!