Monday, June 1, 2009

Student and Teacher

Caroline absolutely LOVES going over to Auntie Cheryl's house. Cheryl thinks it's because there is so much to do; I think it is a deep respect and love of Auntie.

Frogs giving them the old stink eye.

Cheryl tried to catch a frog for Caroline to "pet". Caroline laughs at the big "plop" sound; fortunately Auntie didn't go for a swim, it was just the frog escaping a little ones impending sometimes not so gentle touch.

Making sure Boo doesn't push her in; he just loves hanging out with Caroline.


Kristen said...

I like going to Cheryl's too!!

Cheryl said...

I am touched beyond words by this post (and your comment too Kris) so I will do my typical thing and divert attention...

Your kitchen/dining room ceiling looks beautiful, and the fountain is way cool :) You really should post up pictures of the progress made on all these projects you guys are working on over there. The before and after is really amazing :)