Still not quite up and running, but at least in place, FINALLY!!!!
This fountain has had many jobs over the past few years, a sun porch decorations, an entryway plant holder, and most recently, the poor thing was dismantled to be made into two bird baths. I got a bit frustrated with it and didn't think it would ever be a fountain. Anyway, it needs to be lifted a bit in its tub, the silicone in the seams needs to dry and the tub filled with rocks (so nothing falls in an gets dead) and then it will be a fountain. This might take a day, a week, a month, a year...
Can't wait to see it in action!
(( laughing )) you are my kind of person - we both have a touch of that Spanish "manana" factor ...
(sorry no spanish "n" on my keyboard)
B: the tilde ~ is to the left of the numeral one. I don't know how you put it OVER a letter, though.
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