Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Latest Garden Happenings

Nothing like starting from the end and moving backwards. I have finally started putting in some foundation plants. The specimen chosen are two ilex pencil holly and one weeping Alaskan cypress. Had to transplant and thin out many clumps of perennials, but I think worth it. The gardens don't look as "cluttered". We still need to get the rock boarders situated and the fountain going, but it's looking more permanent. Oh well, here are some pictures after today's work.


Cheryl said...

Looking good over there :) I really like the Alaskan Cypress, and the Pencil Holly was a whole new plant on my horizon, interesting vertical possibilities that I've never thought of before.

Biddie said...

I hadn't heard of an Alaskan Cypress before - which picture is it in?

Is that an alligator near the fountain?

Kristen said...

That white flower looks like it would smell pretty saweet! does it?
You are the queen of poppies too!!!