Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yup, Here're More

Another beautiful and productive day at Stately Watson Manor.

Caroline wanted to do a photo shoot today. She is definitely not shy.

More examples of the day lilies. I have to say, as the addict that I am, I just dug and bagged the things and didn't even think to write down the names of the blasted things. I think I can maybe name about 8 of the now 26 varieties; that is just plain sad.

Caroline and I cleaned out the stream bed/runoff ditch today. What a nice difference it makes. I didn't really get before pictures, but if you look back at the last post, the picture of the whole yard has a glimpse of the what the ditch looked like yesterday.

Tater at 8 weeks, still at breeder; Tater at 6 months, relaxing in the chair on the deck.
No post would be complete without pictures of the dogs. As you can see the Tater Tot is getting to be quite the Tater Tuber, pretty soon he'll be a full on Spud. But til then, Lili will keep him in training and in line.


Cheryl said...

The stream bed looks great!

Tater is a cutie pie, what a sweet dog he is.

Biddie said...

I got a good chuckle out of your collection of "unknowns" - could you make a quick trip back to that lady's place to see if you can match up your trophies with any of her remaining id tags ?

The creek area looks like a great place for a fern garden - as much as I admire the work that goes into a manicured landscape, my soul responds to a freeform forestscape.

The dog that I saw months ago at my local P.O. (that was the same breed as Tater) was a BIG dog - Lili will have a shoulder-to-shoulde-sized pal in a year or so!

Kristen said...

That picture of Caroline in the first one with her head tilted is really cute!
I saw a puggle puppy yesterday that was cute I guess, well all babies are cute.
Where is this flower lady ... what town?

Kristen said...

Concert is at 8 thursday, what time can you girlies be ready to go? I'll pick ya up at Maureen's house, K???

Kristen said...

Hi, Sorry I could not stay and visit at the Blueberry thing, I even rode my motorcycle in the rain,,,, hey didn't billy joel sing that already!! haha , you looked nice the three of you all gussied up for your speaches.