Cheryl and I realized that it has been quite some time since I'd been over to the west side. I've been plugging along dealing with the three year oldness of Caroline, most times not as well as I would like, but getting through it without a nervous breakdown so far. Cheryl has been dealing with Bully issues. Although through all our trials and tribulations, we have still managed to get into our gardens and commiserate with Ma Nature, as I'm sure she has many of the same issues, just not the same critters. Anyway, the visit inspired me to take a stroll and appreciate what I have growing over on my side.

These are the same plant, one a close up of the flowers. It is a cobweb hens and chicks and it surprised me with these little flowers.

Another type of hens and chicks, and the flowers look to be yellow, but we'll see.
Oasis garden.
Day lily area, I recently add the stone wall and it really makes a nice difference.
The upside downiest puppy in the world. This is the way he sleeps most of the time.
Looking very lovely over there. Just imagine a few more years of filling in, it will be gorgeous. I'm amazed at how quickly things have taken for you over there have the touch :)
Good Morning! Your hens-n-chickens fascinated me - I had no idea that they would grow up into little "towers" like that. The little stone wall is fine - lots of work there - I miss not having any stones at all here in this area - you have to import them at ridiculous prices!
Freebe sleeps on his back like that most of the time also - must feel good to them to stretch out their backs like that.
I didn't know chicks and hens grew flowers either.
Your yard is looking more beautiful every day I drive by!!!
And you look like a hottie mowing your lawn :)
I hope you have a great visit with your folks, tell them I said hello!
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