Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bloomin' Day Lilies


Kristen said...

Lillie heaven over there!!!! Is that why you named your doggie? They are beautiful, I saw you and Caroline out in the yard last night on my way home, I thought about poppin over on my motorcycle but I was so pooped from my crappy day I went home to sulk, Your new hair cut is pretty too, you should post a pic of you and show everybody!! (hint Hint)

Cheryl said...

When I pulled up today I was really caught by the color display. You've done a great job planting your gardens. Your yard looks beautiful. Thanks for being my back up in case there was indeed a chupacabra beneath Kris's shed.

Biddie said...

chupacabra, indeed!! They never go that far north!!

I'm getting a big attack of "stone-envy" - we have to pay big bucks to get stones like that down here. I love the white lily at the bottom and the rosy lavender one, second down from the top ....

Looks good - all your work is paying off ....

Priscilla said...

You are the Day Lily Lady. You could go into business.