Thursday, August 23, 2007

I Have No Idea !!!!

I guess it's been a bad few days all around. I've been checking for some sort of movement from the damn thing and nothing. I looked inside the hole in the coccoon and it just lookes kinda filamenty with something attached; so I don't know whether it is alive or dead. At this point, I'm leaning towards dead. I've got pictures going back to the Blueberry Festivus that need to be posted but I'm just emotionally and mentally dun fo. Catch ya later.


Cheryl said...

Don't give up yet! It might still be in there, just thinking about things :)

Maureen said...

I can only wish that it were me in there just thinking about things. At least I would be somewhat left alone for a minute.

Cheryl said...

You're always welcome to stop over in the evening...heck, you don't even have to talk to me, just go sit in the summer house & enjoy the peace in quiet.

Cheryl said...

ahem...I meant peace & quiet...

Kristen said...

Yeah I think you were tellin her to shut up

Cheryl said...

Oh listen here get pretty cheeky with me on this board...that's it, I'm driving over.

Denise Rosier said...

Hi! I just now caught the message you left me about Shaun Cassidy & Andy Gibb.

OMG.. If my 6th grade teacher looked like Andy Gibb, with windsept hair & the smell of the ocean on his skin, I would have repeated the 6th grade.

On that note .. lately, I've been watching the Partridge Family. David Cassidy ... WOW :0)

Denise Rosier said...

BTW, is Caroline your little girl? She's beautiful!

Cheryl said...

Just stopping by to see how your afternoon went...:)