In order L to R: Caroline, David, Cheryl, Kristen
Standing: Brett
I was really quite a beautiful day and fun to hang out with friends in a different setting.

This little set of pictures are of Caroline just spinning around and checking out nature. Kristen posted some that she took the same day. Caroline is showing her true carefree happy spirit in these pictures. I just love them.

D- thanks for stopping by, yes I will take some credit for Caroline, but only when she is like she is my funny little girl. When she is testing and misbehaving she is her father's. I checked out your daughter's little blog, what a cutie she is. I have a neice in CA about the same age and all she talks about is the plays she is in and Webkinz. I love the way little girls have that excited, fast talk when they are telling you about something they hold dear. I can't wait; although maybe not, you know the volvo commercial with the dad buckling in the daughter who is talking nonstop about lord knows what...that is Caroline now at 2 1/2.
She's too cute, I saw you outside this morning trying to take her picture with the sunflowers, How did they come out?
Absolutely delightful pictures of Caroline!!
Sure like seeing my daughter on the other side of a camera also!
RE: daughter who is talking nonstop ..that is Caroline
How cute that Caroline is so chatty. Each year gets better and funnier.
Madeleine and I have always talked A LOT. We've always been garden buddies, cooking buddies, craft buddies .. and now she "consults" on my children's songs.
Last night, we sat together and made our own paper dolls. :0)
A daughter is such a blessing.
I forgot to tell you Mo, that picture you have as a header is really nice, I love the reflection of the coneflower in the gazing ball. Lovely! Oh, guess what, as I'm sitting here typing this I can hear that damn pond pump cutting in & must have a magnetic presence and now that you left the pump is giving up the ghost. Phooey.
I'm glad that Cheryl mentioned that you had a picture in your title box - I thought it was just a BIG GREEN SPACE!!
Now that I know there is a picture there, I "tricked" it into downloading .... the reflection in the globe of the hidden flower is really nice - it would be interesting to crop it so just the globe and a little around it shows.
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