Been hunkered down for a bit trying to concentrate on not smoking, it's been a month you know!!! Soooo, I decided to treat myself with some of the money that we have saved by not smoking for a month. I know 30 days in the scope of everything is a whatever to most everyone else on this planet except maybe two of us (Cheryl and Mo). I digress a bit with the pats on the back to both of us...back to my little shopping spree. I went to this store that carries items made in and imported from Mexico. The craftspeople making these items are mostly family members of this young lady so it makes me feel good that I'm paying the sometimes high prices. Whatever, let me justify my expenditure how I want. Anyway, my gardens now have a spinny thingy, a gazing ball, another butterfly, and a lady bug. As a thank you for patronizing her store and referring people to her, she gave me a pottery and glaze flying pig. The kicker is I've been looking at these pigs for some time and they are almost 40$ and she just gave it to me. I don't know where the karma chit for that came in, but thank you!!!

OK, the gardens, I have decided to start a day lily collection and currently have about 6 varieties and hope to build it with enough varieties to bloom through out most of the growing season up here. I don't know why this came to mind, I guess it's just a little different or a brain blip due to lack of nicotine. I'm not making a science of the whole deal, the only thing I'm really paying attention to is bloom time and secondary is color. The other gardens are doing well and as I find plants that are a bit different I find a place to put them.

Caroline is quickly nearing two and a half; it seems that every 4-6 months she has a REALLY horrible spell and then lulls me back into a sense of security. I'm learning to build walls against hurt feelings already. She recently told me she didn't want to come home with me and that she doesn't love me. Now, I know she truly doesn't understand that she has been hurtful except by my reaction, thus, learning to build a wall seems like a good idea; although a very transparent one, just a little buffer that I'm sure will get thicker and thicker as time goes on.
I think I'm getting a tad punchy so to all have a GREAT evening!
Oh lordy Mo...first of all your flowers are beautiful, you have transformed a dark shady yard into one of color and whimsy. As far as your daughter goes, you are a good dedicated mom. You don't leave her out in the yard for the crows to peck on, and one day she will be grateful for that. Or at least she should be...anyway hang in there cause she's just testing you out for the teenager years. Ha!! :)
First, I think I spotted the flying pig - is it aqua-colored?
Next, congratulations on your nicotine-less success - you have surely earned the right to use the found $$ on those garden joys!
And, yes, be aware that the umbilical cord has been cut - literally and figuratively. Those little ones are forever their own entity and on top of that, they can only see the world from behind their own noses. Mothers must endure their youthful passages into adulthood. You can only try to remain steadfast, loving and guiding - this I can only say after years of trying to understand my part in the problems that my children had beyond the normal stresses that children can so completely indulge themselves in.
You are in such a better place because you are more mature when taking on this difficult job of raising an intelligent, fierce spirited child and you have a good friend close by to commiserate with - hang in there ....
Your gardens look marvelous, I did notice your new sparkly things when I drove by and wondered where you got those. The flying pig is cool.
Kids say the darndest things don't they, I got told I was hated and didn't ever want to see me again either, I told him to go live somewhere else then and see how much better it would be, he never took me up on it! It just gets better as time goes on, of course there are always some bad times thrown in there but in the end, it's all good
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