Cute little bee on the dark purple day lily

I was amazed by this one, a bi color alternating petalled (petaled?) day lily.
Just take a guess as to what this is? Cheryl you already know.

Caroline with her first hand capture of a butterfly. It looks like she is squashing it, but she was amazingly gentle with it.

Caroline's amazement at what nature has allowed her to take a close look at; she begrudgingly let it go after this picture. She was SOOOOO proud of herself for catching it.

Harvest Moon Cone flower

Harvest Moon Cone flower with bee

Cut purple cone flower
Now to my amazement...upon closer inspection of the cut purple cone flower I noted an accumulation of pollen amongst the stamen of this one. If you look closely at the Harvest Moon Cone flower with the bee you will note the lack of pollen. Seeing this, I was stunned yet again at how everything in this world is truly interconnected in some way.
Yep, I know what that thing is!!! But I won't give it away. I like that lily, I have a yellow one like it and I think it's so cool! Nice pictures.
A cow tongue???
Animal? Vegetable? or Mineral?
Come on back .....
Might that be a garden slug?
A donkey Penis?
Ms. B - Animal
Lori - so nice of you to visit, your plants are beautiful and I'm sure that you assisted Sir Herbert with his wonderous gardens as well. Sorry not a slug.
As for Kris - So so close, but yet so so far and I'm not telling you which of your guesses this refers.
By the way, this is kinda fun.
PS Cheryl - If no one gets it by tomorrow evening you can tell them at about 8:30 pm. Tee Hee Hee
The tongue of an animal? Giraffe?
Kris did you call Cheryl? Yes it is a giraffe tongue, Caroline got to feed one on our trip, I'll post the whole picture later. I haven't figured out what you win yet though.
Yee hee I won!!! Well you said I was close,and I knew not on the penis, that was a joke, I have seen a giraffe tongue before, I kissed one once!! Hee hee
Oh wow .... I would never have guessed that!! No kisses for me, thank you!
Kris my love for the little donkeys is probably equal to yours, but a picture of it's Pesnorkis just aint raht.
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