Pretty little girl in the cute dress Gramma and Grampa sent.

"Look, Mama, I can almost get my whole hand in there"

Future Plumbers of America candidate?

This is the way I found the last little bird yesterday, tucked in amongst the foliage of the holy. It's nest mates had already flown the coop, the nest was sideways on the branch, so I think with all four of them smushed in there the nest listed to one side and the others fell out and flew off. I did see one on the ground and when I went to try to capture it to return it to the newly righted nest, it did fly off into the middle branches of a nearby rhodie. I'm imagining that this last hold out was the egg that didn't hatch until two days after the others.

This is how I found it this am, so it obviously hopped it's way back to the nest for over night safety.
And this is how I found the nest this afternoon. All the babies are gone :-( I do still see the parent birds gathering food for the little ones and hear their "danger/anger" calls when I'm wandering around, so the babies must not be totally independent yet.
Nothin cuter than a tiny tot's butt, I wrote another word but thought how unappropriate for a description of a kids rear end. The birds certainly grew up fast, seems like yesterday they were born. And Sunday best is very pretty in that picture, hair all done, awe how cute! Wish I had one of those... oh well just for a minute, can I just borrow her for a bit and give her back? I never got to do hair and makeup and play barbies, only trucks and motorcycles
The babies have flown the nest, and now we all truly do have empty nest syndrome! I like the first pic of her in her pretty dress, she looks so sweet & angelic.
It's amazing that the baby birds are out of their nest already - when I first started reading your post, I was afraid that a cat had gotten to them.
And Caroline is just beautiful in her new dress!! Of course, the au-natural sunbathing is a fantastic treat - a couple of weeks ago, I spotted my neighbor's child out in his little pool au-natural also - he was having so much fun!!
I can't wait to have my outside shower ..... all hidden in a little grove ....
Hey - and a "g-marning" to you too - you sure were up early this AM!!!
Cha cha cha, another bright sunny day!!! Good Morning!
Good morning to ya - I understand that you and Brett are going to do the "stop-smoking" drill also! You three have your own local "smoke-out" program there - good luck there!!!
I'm pulling for you - just keep thinking that those old nicotine receptors are going to be playing all kinds of tricks on you (those tricky, sneaky little receptors) but you just ignore them - laugh and snarl at them - they will go slinking away with their neural tails between their synaptic legs ((I know that last sentence is really wierd but you get the idea))
Go girl !!!!!
Good Morning to ya !!!!
Hey stranger where have you been??
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