Daddy arrives home to a crazed dog and baby. Of course, he receives a call as soon as his foot hits the yard, but at least he's home.
Caroline is fasinated by the little moths that have recently hatched out and wants to hold them.
Happy dog attached to Dad.
Baby birds are progressing. Only found one out of the nest one day last week; I guess they've figured out how to all fit in the tiny nest. When I checked on them this am, mama stayed on the nest as I peeked. She actually was nestled on a branch right next to the nest; I guess I should take some cues from Mother Nature and truly realize that after you have a child the world revolves around them. :-)
My poor rose. I purchased this one and planted it this spring. Have pulled two little greenish yellow inchworm type things off the bud, but the leaves are like lace and I haven't found any other culprits. Any ideas?

Caroline and my final accomplishment of the day. Moving all the rocks that had been resting on the lawn in front of the other two gardens. Some boarder the black plastic edging we installed to hopefully keep the grass and wild strawberries from intruding; the rest are in the next project area near the mountain laurel at the ditch.
Very nice~love the rocks around the big one. I guess I need to stop slacking off to keep up with you!
My roses leaves got eaten too, I'll take a picture and show you, I have only seen a couple of worms not enough to do all the damage have or so I think.
Where was Brett, at work? or gone for a while?
There ain't no keepin' up, Cheryl, your gardens so far surpass mine I can't even dream of a day they'll look like yours.
kris, Brett was a work, but Caroline and Lili so look forward to seeing him, the house turns into total chaos when he gets home. We went to Karen and Al's for a Father's Day thing today and when we left I saw Jethro lazing on the front stoop at your house; poor guy still has a cast on, when does it come off? How was NH?
Hi there - love the little rock trim around your big rock - you two did a good job on it!
It's a good feeling when everyone gets home again - liked the picture of Brett coming home taken thru your window ....
NH was fun and crazy, I am very tired. Jethro is down to a couple weeks I guess, I didn't talk to the vet this week, my mom picked him up after I left him there. I'll have to call and find out. Thanks for checking up on him!
Your yard looks better every day and I love the bird pictures
I have to confess...I didn't get those lillies planted..oh well, there's always tomorrow. I was thinking about swinging by tomorrow at some point to check out all of your hard work..watcha think? In the morning I'm going to input invoices till my eyes bleed, then the rest of the day is mine. What's your schedule?
I have play group from 9:30 til about 11:00, then home. I was actually thinking of asking if I could borrow more reading material, I completely out of stuff to read. So if you are heading over this way, would you mind picking a couple and bringing them with you. Also, anytime after 11:00 is fine. Hope to see ya.
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