Today was very productive. I decided I couldn't deal with all the overcast and/or rainy weather we've been having and decided to go to my friend's house to excavate some small rocks she had offered to finish off the garden on the right of the front steps. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night so I knew once my decision was made, it might VERY quickly change to a lounge day. So, changed the baby, grabbed some snacks and a drink for her, and a diet coke for me and off we went. Once at Cheryl's, I found she had had a similarly sleepless night, but off we trotted after Caroline to hunt snakes. We came across two garter snakes, which I don't care what kind of snake it is, always gives me a start, but not the baby. She wants to hold them and pet them and love them. After that little adventure, off to the rock wall which has some wonderful large rocks on the exterior and then "filler" rocks on the interior. In our excavation, we encountered various aged broken bottles which were pretty cool to think about. Many of the old homesteads in NE have bottle dumps where basically all the trash that couldn't be consumed by livestock was thrown; of course after time, the tin cans disintagrate, leaving mainly broken bottles and pottery. Anyway, after loading up the Tahoe, we were kinda sitting around looking at each other and contemplating our navels so I figured we needed an outing. Myself not really being the queen of spontenaity anymore made the quick descision to go to Meadow View. It only took a tiny nudge to get Cheryl on board and off we went. As luck would have it, the baby fell asleep immediately, we ran some errands and I decided to check out some other spots before going to the plant place. Cheryl, I think, thought I was kidknapping her and was getting a little frustrated with my driving around to let the kiddo sleep a bit more, so I returned to the plant place and there was peace in the world of Mo and Cheryl again. We were like zombees...f l o w e r s. The both of us fortunately had set a budget, because once we got there, we found out there was a 25% sale going on. We could have gotten in some BIG TROUBLE as Caroline says when she is put in her chair for a spell when she is really misbehaving. Made some wonderful purchases, got some great deals and off we went to soe our newest additions to our garden family.
Caroline's poppy plant, she picked out and planted on her own.
The birds are starting to get feathers. When we stopped at the house to drop off the rocks on the way to Meadow View, I decided to check on them and found one baby on the ground. I replaced it in the nest, which is getting quite small for all four of them, and mama and daddy are still feeding them.

The garden on the right's rock boarder. Nothing fancy, but it looks a bit more finished to me.

View of my outside oasis from my inside oasis on the sun porch. I don't know why I love this little garden so much, but for some reason, I just love it.

And finally, I found some GORGEOUS day lilies of different colors and planted them in the newly cleaned out and pruned area closest to the road.

Well! You got a lot accomplished today! The border looks great. I didn't get everything planted as I moved some stuff around, then got tuckered out. Thanks again for getting me out in the world, I feel much better than I did yesterday. It was just what I needed to get out of my mopes.
Good Morning there!! Looks like your little rock liner is almost finished - it does make a nice edger.
Are those real mushrooms out by the tree stumps by the road? They are huge....
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