Sunday, May 27, 2007

Today's Money Shots

The wood piles are almost gone!!

First bloom on the old fashioned rose by the big rock.

Nature's perfection in motion.

Mom is sitting on the nest. I later checked when she was gone and no eggs yet.

Red Rhodadendron.

Okay Mom, time to stop taking my picture.


Cheryl said...

Very nice pics, I especially like the first one, father/daughter...really nice. Your camera is awesome.

Cheryl said...

Love the butterfly shot as well...beautemous!

Biddie said...

I see that Caroline pitches right in to help - good on her. The last picture of her looking at you is great - I love the expression on her face!

I agree, your camera is really fine! What kind is it? Have you taken any shots in dim light yet? This is something my camera doesn't do well at all and it's very frustrating.

Kristen said...

Sony camera Biddie, I saw it today, kind of like mine but newer, smaller, and better. I want to get a new one with a zoom lens better than I have now. My friend has one (Sony) and it takes really good pictures from far away, the even better part, if you have Sony computer, you can just stick the disc in the side and get pictures out without using the cord. (laptop)

Kristen said...

I keep checking..... no new pictures yet

Cheryl said...

Well, I guess I'll stop nagging at you.

Kristen said...

Helllooo what happened? You on vacation or something?

Biddie said...

Hey there - checking in - shouting a "HOWDY" over the backyard fence!

Kristen said...

Still checking...

Kristen said...

Hey sugar booger

Biddie said...

Mornin' to youse guys .... have a great weekend!