Thanks to my dear wonderful friend, I can show you the fruits of my labor - no not Caroline. Obviously I still have some work to do, mainly finding rocks to put around the edges, that should be an interesting search. I just got some really good news, the guy we hired to cut down all the trees in the front yard will be here Thursday. Yipee!!!! Before anyone flips out on me, they are all scraggly old half dead maples that are actually pretty dangerous, and a huge norwegian spruce thing that is too close to the house. I wrestled with cutting them all down until the ice storm this past winter when one tree came inches from crushing our pull behind trailer, and another couple lost large branches too close to the power lines for comfort. My father-in-law is walking a wheelbarrow full of hand me overs tomorrow am so I'll have to figure out where all that stuff is going, and pass along some as well. This trading plants thing is so cool; depending upon who gives them to you, you will always have a part of them in your garden, I especially like getting plants from people who truly enjoy the nurturing of the plants and beauty they bring to our lives.
You are looking quite good over there too. I have some hosta's, you can have them, I gave a whole bunch to Cheryl and thought I got rid of them but they came back and are invading my roses. It is hard to get those darn things out but I will dig em up if you want and deliver even. I found you can dig them up,throw them out in the woods and they keep growing, you just can't kill them, I have a giant on in the front yard, that one I like, it stays the same huge size.
I love the flow of your rock garden, you picked a great spot for it.
It is a very nice rock garden indeed, you inspred me to go home and do one, this weekend I am going to hunt for rocks and get me some stuff to plant in there, I just have to figure out where to put it. Looking good!! Who said that, steve martin??
You guys are so lucky to be in "Rock Country" - here I either have to smear cement over chicken wire or import them from up in Georgia!!
I have to protect my 4 little flower pots of hostas behind walls - the deer will chomp them down to nubbins.
I love them but so do those critters.
And I absolutely love those plants that I call my "living treasures". These are plants that special people have given me over the years.
I have a vine from my Mother that goes back to when I was about 12 years old. That makes it about 54 years old!! Cheryl has sent me seeds from her garden but unfortunately between my lack of familiarity with those types of plants, the difference in climates and THE DEER, none have made it. When I finally get settled over at Possum Hollow, I'm going to ask her again for some seeds ....
I love your design for the garden patch in the top picture - it flows really neat around that in-ground boulder there.
Biddie, can I ship my hosta's down to you??? I have a bunch again, they keep coming back. Will they survive a ride in the postal truck??
Good morning yourself!! I see that we both are up at this strange hour.
Hope Caroline isn't the reason, that she is still doing well and not having another bout of her "you-know-whats".
I'm sorting thru all the papers that have piled up on my desk - looking for the info on the listing that I had put on eBay last Fall for Coyote Run. It didn't sell then, so I'm going to try again. I guess if it doesn't sell this time, I'll have to give it to a realtor - I wanted to save myself the realtor's fee.
Oh, good morning to the both of you. Good luck with the tree project!
Hey...where's the pictures?
Good Morning My Little Rutabaga!
Hey, Yo!! Coffee??
Thanks for helping me track down the plants this morning :)
Now, where's the pictures ;P
Thank you MO and Cheryl for being my personal shopper, when I get them planted I am going to put up the pictures! I am very greatful to you both for doing this for me.
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