Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's Been Awhile

I can't remember what this little lily type plant is, but it was planted three years ago and this is it's first blooming in my garden.  Very petite plant with the blooms similar to the much larger Turks cap lily

May Blooms - Trillium


Caroline thought Boston might like a bike ride.



Humphry yelling at an interloper

Cecropia moth we watched emerge; we purchased the chrysalis at the Garden show earlier this year.

Window boxes I built are up and the gardens mulched.

What we do on Memorial Day...line up the chickens, I think Caroline was teaching them to salute.

We have a window in the house that really attracts moths and we recently found this Polymethus.  It is in the same giant silk moth family as the Cecropia (above) and the luna moth.

A few days after the Poly, we found this one which turns out to be a Blinded Sphinx.


Biddie said...

((laughing)) Caroline is going to be a chicken whisperer! I'm amazed that they are so interactive - I love the picture of Caroline on the ladder with the chickens!!

Your little yellow mystery flowers are beautiful.

Cheryl said...

Oh my, I love the pic of Caroline giving the chicken a ride...that is hysterical!

Those moths are beautiful!! I've never seen a Polymethus around here, I'm going to have to start leaving the porch light on and see if one comes in.

Your gardens look so pretty, and those window boxes are the perfect touch :)

Priscilla said...

Enjoyed all your pictures. Have the hens started laying yet?

Nan said...

Beautiful photos, Maureen!