Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wow What a Winter

Tater loves to sit under this maple tree even in the winter.  As you can see, there is only about 12" of the fence above the snow, but still doesn't seem too interested in going over it.

The picture tells the story.


Biddie said...

Tater is such a cutie-pie - THE SPOT is what it's all about - not the ease of getting out.

The winter of '11 is going to go down as a legend for you all - keep warm ...

Priscilla said...

Yes, you have a lot of snow, but at least it's CLEAN snow!

Kristen said...

Bradley airport reported 79.9 inches of snow this year

Maureen said...

Tater really is a good boy, although still a handfull as far as the pack mentality with Caroline. He seems to want to be in charge and is still quite mouthy with her.

79.9 inches!!! That's over 6 feet!!! Now this is the snow I've been talking about missing when I was in FL. And it is still pretty clean, which is amazing. I have mentioned that I'm sick of snow; that wasn't quite correct...I love the snow, it's the ice damns on my roof and dealing with the impending flow of water into my house that has me worried and wanting it to be over. That and wanting to get my hands in the dirt.

Kristen said...

Did you get that sump pump yet? I suggested to another lady and she got hers as fast as you were acting on it. I think the article in the paper and me talking so much about flooding is helping people know this is going to be a really Wet Spring! I hope you don't get a swimming pool in your basement