Saturday, April 24, 2010

More Changes

This one's for K. Just a regular feeder without seed.

A little added point of interest?

Handsome Tater.

Playing mud puppy in the empty hole left by the removal of the fountain.

Just had to see what it would look like.


Biddie said...

Ooooo - stained glass in the garden - looks fine!!

Speaking of looking fine - Caroline's looking like quite the young lady - That is a good picture of her ....

And speaking of good looks - Sir Tater looks real good also!

You all have a great day up yonder!!

Kristen said...

Tater got a hair cut!!??! And I knew it, I knew it!!!! that was a hummer feeder, you had me thinking I was totally crazy!! Well soon enough they will be back here looking for food, so get yours filled up woman

Caroline is cutie pie in that picture too!!

Kristen said...
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Kristen said...

Oh it's not a hummer feeder, downer, I get it, boo hoo, can you sense my stupid low voice now? It looks like a hummer feeder though

Kristen said...

OK what the heck, every time i leave a comment here it does it twice. Sorry!!