Monday, July 20, 2009

For Auntie Cheryl

There is nothing better than a cowboy hat, some feathers and a pair of shades!!!! Except maybe a JEEP with the top off and some tunes cranked.
OK, I have the feathers attached...

Do you think I can fly now?


Kristen said...

Whoo Hoo, looks like you were having a good day here! Finally no rain

Cheryl said...

Ha!! Now indeed I know she's a child after my own heart :)

Love the pictures, I only wish I rocked my cowboy hat as well as she does. Well, wait a minute, I think she needs a Harley feather tucked in to that hat brim.

Thank you for the smile :)

Cheryl said...

Wait a minute, are those Harley feathers tucked in the brim?

Maureen said...

Yes they are Sammy and Harley's feathers

Biddie said...

Ah Ha!! I see now see where you got your new top picture from! I've been catching up on your blog by reading the oldest entries first so I saw your top picture long before I arrived here.

The hat is fine!! When I first read Cheryl's comment about a Harley feather, I thought that she meant the Harley motorcycles ...

Kristen said...

Hey! I don't seem to have your email stored here at work but Monday we are getting together for crafty nights for making Christmas gifts and stuff and you are more than welcome to come, share a talent, drink some wine, have a beer, talk and laugh, whatever we get done, we were planning on making signs, painting, jewelry, knitting, punch needle, rug hooking and whatever else we can think of.