Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tadpole Update

Update of Sir Mortimer...His tail is slowly disappearing (photo taken 6/25/09)
Toadstool tadpole is still a whole tadpole, no changes yet.

Sir Mortimer fully more tail (6/28/09)

Kris had asked what we were keeping them in. We have made our own little stagnant pond habitat. It has been quite interesting to watch. Cheryl suggested putting a rock in for Sir M to sit upon, and as she is our frog whisperer, I did so, much to Sir Ms gladness. He's a bit skittish still and whenever I approach to get a picture of him on the rock he hops off. His little body is only about 1 1/2 inches long, so I will wait a bit before letting him go.

Visitor at the Sunporch Window Feeder

Sneaking up on the feederThe leap of faith
Aaahhhh, full cheeks equals a full belly later.
Quick get away.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Caroline spotted some tadpoles in a pond and decided we needed to raise some. We caught about 6 total and two survived the assault. It has been pretty cool to watch the progression from tadpole to frog. This guy has matured more quickly than the other. I just checked him out and noticed that his eyes are starting to bulge onto the top of his head and he is hanging out more towards the top of the water of our makeshift pond. It is great to have the comparison going on as well; one just in the beginning stages of "puffiness" before getting it's legs and the other with a shrinking tail. At the beginning of this project, Caroline was told that the frogs would need to be released when mature; she is a reluctant, but we will begin scoping out a spot for "freedom day" either near the little stream by the front garden or the ponds we hike to at the back of the property. We'll see how that day turns out though.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Some Weird Stuff

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker

I have heard this guy making a bunch of noise in the past and as I was pulling out of the driveway Sunday I saw this Yellow Bellied Sapsucker ratta tat tatting on the old milk can. Odd behavior, but I've heard woodpeckers using tin roofs and down spouts to attract mates or to warn of danger, so maybe not so weird.

I have had this little bird hut for at least 8 years. I purchased it at a potter in Smicksberg, PA and have tried to get a bird to call it home since then. I just recently moved it from near the house hanging on a shepherds hook to the day lily garden and within a week we have a nest; still haven't seen the bird, but I'm suspecting a wren.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Inside Renovations

This project began with the elimination of a closet in the guest room to add space to the dining room. Kitchen cabinets were then painted, and a weird enclosure above them removed, opening up the space above them for displaying of "stuff". Next, the ceiling was de-popcorned and Brett and I installed the beadboard ceiling. The back slider was replaced with the "french doors" and the trim around the windows and door are being changed to the fancier stuff. We found the iron hanging lamp at a tag sale for 10$ and Brett used the top of a pillar as the ceiling mount instead of some shiny thing from the store. The corner cabinet is from the plantation where Brett used to work. The cabinet was being dismantled to put in a dumpster and is from the 1700s, it would have been such a waste.
Left to do...fill nail holes, finish lower wainscotting, and paint.

The Latest Garden Happenings

Nothing like starting from the end and moving backwards. I have finally started putting in some foundation plants. The specimen chosen are two ilex pencil holly and one weeping Alaskan cypress. Had to transplant and thin out many clumps of perennials, but I think worth it. The gardens don't look as "cluttered". We still need to get the rock boarders situated and the fountain going, but it's looking more permanent. Oh well, here are some pictures after today's work.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Still not quite up and running, but at least in place, FINALLY!!!!

This fountain has had many jobs over the past few years, a sun porch decorations, an entryway plant holder, and most recently, the poor thing was dismantled to be made into two bird baths. I got a bit frustrated with it and didn't think it would ever be a fountain. Anyway, it needs to be lifted a bit in its tub, the silicone in the seams needs to dry and the tub filled with rocks (so nothing falls in an gets dead) and then it will be a fountain. This might take a day, a week, a month, a year...

Student and Teacher

Caroline absolutely LOVES going over to Auntie Cheryl's house. Cheryl thinks it's because there is so much to do; I think it is a deep respect and love of Auntie.

Frogs giving them the old stink eye.

Cheryl tried to catch a frog for Caroline to "pet". Caroline laughs at the big "plop" sound; fortunately Auntie didn't go for a swim, it was just the frog escaping a little ones impending sometimes not so gentle touch.

Making sure Boo doesn't push her in; he just loves hanging out with Caroline.