One of my sisters in law gave me this cool blooming tea. The aroma is amazing and as it steeps you get a nice show as it literally blooms, and then the taste is awesome ( a mix of green tea and jasmine)

To go with the teas, she gave me a clear tea brewing mug so I can watch it.
And finally, I LOVE this one, a wonderfully talented friend and fellow Januarian gave me this very cute punch needle; she did everything, made up the design, made the frame, and framed the picture. One really cool thing is that I want a horse as badly as she wants a burro, but for some reason I haven't run across horse things I want to collect, until now. Thank you, I just love it.
Aha - I recognize the skills of the artist that made the framed horse picture - a talented gal, for sure!
And I just discovered art teas a week or so ago - aren't they fascinating?
Awe I am glad you like it and I didn't know you secretly liked horses, what a surprise indeed. I have seen that tea somewhere too, I just can't remember where.
That was really a Christmas gift and it just happened to take me until after your Birthday to get it over there! Gosh, we live so close.... why can't we get together more often? Sorry I made Caroline cry to punchneedle, I promise to come over SOON and we can all do it together!
Your new picture just downloaded - It's a delightful shot of Caroline!
P.S. Good Morning!
Whoa, that tea is wild!! I've heard of it, but never seen it.
That punch needle is pretty nifty, I love the crow Kris made.
Have a sparkly day :)
Hello? Tap tap..is this thing on?
Hey Maureen
Are you and Cheryl and any of your other friends interested in getting together for punchneedle or painting groups??
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