Today Caroline and I went to Auntie Cheryl's to meet Harley. Both Cheryl and I were a bit concerned with how poor Harley would react to a pretty active little one; but one the way there, I let her know a bit of his history and made it very clear how she was expected to behave around him. She is pretty wary of Sammy Bird, so I think she understood what I was trying to convey. Well, it turned out that Harley likes company. I have only had one personal experience with parrots and Tiny would have been a mouthful for Harley; there is a lot of respect for Cheryl taking this guy on. He is quite beautiful and I can understand why Cheryl was drawn to him...he just has this look in his eye that is so sweet. Although, the look could have been of longing for the blue coat I wore today. I was amazed at the behavior change in Sammy as well. I was almost tempted to hold the cantankerous I said, almost. He is such a love. Caroline was very attentive to any instruction that Cheryl gave her and was quite respectful of the birds. She impressed me with her calmness around them. She was quite enamoured with Harley. I think his size really took her by surprise.
Anyway, the following are a couple of the test pictures I took with the camera.
Woohoo you are posting again :)
I was delighted with the way your visit went with Harley. He and I are in the mutual evaluating stage lol, and I was relieved to see how much he enjoyed having new people around. It shows such remarkable progress even from a few days ago that he wanted to stay out of his cage & interact.
I love the last two pictures. You captured that expression in his eyes that spoke to my heart the first time I met him. I knew that there was an awesome bird just waiting to come out & get love and be happy.
The picture of Caroline captures that moment of awe & wonder that sums up the best of childhood perfectly. She was an absolute doll today, I love sharing my treasure cabinet with her, allows me to enjoy my little whimsies all the more through her eyes.
Oh, and who knew Sammy loved me so much eh? Goofy bird.
Anyway, I can't wait to go on a photography adventure with you, thanks for stopping over today, and have a good time tonight :)
Great pictures! I'm so glad that Harley is really doing so well - Caroline's picture at the bottom is very special - her eyelashes in the larger version are fantasic! The quality of her expression is beautiful ....
I was just thinking over the day and it came to me that Caroline upheld our pinky swear. It gave me a smile :)
Whats the pinky swear??? Come on do tell....
What kind of camera did you get, historian Maureen? How are you doing with Punch needle?
Where have you been? We missed you. And you took great pictures!!!
Nice to see you back
The pinky swear was if I showed her one more item out of my treasure cabinet she would then go grocery shopping without fussing.
She was putting up a small fight about leaving before we pinky swore :)
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