Cheryl and I took a wander down a path that used to be less traveled in hopes of capturing a true money shot. Alas, no go on my end. Before we were even 20 yards into the woods, there were a couple of loud snaps, such that a larger animal wandering in the woods would make. Cheryl being in an even more remote area than myself and having had bears meandering through her yard, immediately went on alert. Brave me is thinking "OK, I don't smell anything so it must have been a moose or deer" Now until yesterday when I was informed differently, I was under the impression (I don't know where from) that bears really, really, really, really stink and if you smell something like rotten meat and sweaty socks you better get your pepper spray or play dead or do whatever the current escape with little harm theory is. We listened for a bit, I sniffed the air like a scent hound, not able to give up on the smell thing, and off we went on the mile long all down hill trek. We rock hopped and waded our way to the main falls were we ran into some unfriendly people. I had so many great memories of this little hike and was basically walking down memory lane. Throughout my life, with all the moving my family has done, there have been some very special, happy, feel at peace places and this is one of them. Anyway, it was such a beautiful day with no clouds in the sky to help diminish the brightness a bit that almost all of my pictures are too bright. I still had a great time trying to get creative and see some different things in everyday stuff.

Getting artsy with reflections.

Tried to get dripping moss at the falls.
One of the few open spaces above our heads. The sky was so pretty though.
Brave Cheryl on the actual falls. She hates having her picture taken, but I needed to show the perspective of how big our little waterfall is. As you can see, there is no waterfall due to lack of rain in our area.

Just some different views

This one is my favorite, it is actually a second, much smaller
waterfall. The water flows from one sheer drop to a little pool, about three times.
Beautiful!! I'm looking at your photos, and it's so interesting to see a different perspective when we were at the same spot. Wow! You captured such amazing images!! OK, we really need to go back out into the woods...stanky bears or not (lets get some pepper spray). I really enjoyed that hike, I want to know how you caught that water flow and the moss...I couldn't do it..I love your new name of the blog...much better!
P.S. I enjoyed the hell out of that hike, peace, quiet, beauty...and good company.
I'm looking again at your really caught some beautiful shots.
You did an awesome job with pictures too, Both of you did. I like them a lot. Is that in Hartland???
WOW! :)
So neat to read your WHOLE BLOG - man, I know that I should have waited until After my errands before reading....So now to the chickens I go...
I really enjoyed reading your writing. I felt like I was right there listening to you. And the pictures so cool! So many that I liked, probally the ones of of C dancing & butterflies on the flowers were my favorites. Thanks for sharing your world. :)
Have a great day!
Hi there - I enjoyed your pictures also. You have a good eye for finding great vignettes - plus you can get your camera to see them also.
I think that TrueDawn got it right - you have a great flow of words to describe the pictures!!
Good Morning ....
Hellloooooo!!! Whatcha doing over there? How's Brett's back? I hope it's better. Ok, off to get more coffee, talk to you later gator.
Dum de dum de diddly dooo, skippity scoobidy walla walla bibg bang....
Oh sorry, just sitting around waiting for a new post.........
Hey diddle diddle, where did you disappear to??? You have not been playing with the rest of us lately, too busy????
Well, allrighty then...
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