Having started this blog at the urging of my dearest friend, I have found that I enjoy photography much more than I thought I would. The really cool thing is looking at them again before posting and seeing things you missed while taking the shot. I realize that Ma' Nature is an amazing creature, but that some super smart genius type actually sat down eons ago and figured out math stuff from the shapes seen in nature is pretty cool. I just think the way the different curves, lines, and shapes come together to form these beautiful things is extraordinary.

My mandavilla still haven't bloomed, but are damn close. The first thing I do every day now (even before coffee) is peek out the front door to see if it has bloomed.

The fourth type of oriental lily FINALLY bloomed. Just check out how everything just radiates from the center.

Same lily different view.
This is one of the smaller (less tall- only about 7') sunflowers. Just bloomed right by the front door. The center looks like the gyroscope (I think that's what it was called) the toy that had the different toothed wheels that you put your pen in different holes to make cool whorl designs. Anyway, the center of the sunflower reminds me of those designs.

This one is a Star Gazerish lily, but the aroma is much less intense. I looks like a cross between my white and my red ones.
This sunflower is one of my giants (11' ). It has just started to open.