Saturday, June 30, 2007

Just Some Pictures

Friends called and asked us to join them at a local icecream place that has a small animal petting area for the kids. This little outfit Caroline has on is one of my latest favorites.

As soon as this baby heard the animals, her icecream was handed off to Dad and off she went to find them.

Flowers from the garden.

Rescued delphinium (it had tipped over and the stem broke)

One Week

One week without smoking and I think I'm in better shape mentally and physically than I have been in years. To help assuage the pangs, I've been trying to walk about 5 miles a day; this week I did it 5 times, the other days, I buried myself in my gardens, adding manure and slow release fertilizer and toting watering cans from the back yard to the front gardens. I do this for a few reasons: 1) it's exercise, 2) instead of emptying Caroline's little pool onto the ground, I fill the watering cans and bring them around to the front to water, usually about 15 trips, and 3) it keeps my hands busy so I don't eat as much. I have also realized one of the really weird things about my smoking is that very few people knew I smoked. My parents, my best friend, my husband, and very few others; I didn't usually smoke in public during the day on errands, didn't smoke in the car; so basically my question is why did I bother? Who knows, but I'm done with it and it feels good. I am still taking things one day at a time because with any addiction you just never know, but in my heart and soul, I feel done with it today.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Nothing of Importance


That's all I can muster. I'm off to bed so I can walk another 6 miles tomorrow in hopes of vanquishing all the evil toxins, before it gets to *&*&%&^(*()#@@&^% hot to move.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Various and Sundry

Pretty little girl in the cute dress Gramma and Grampa sent.

"Look, Mama, I can almost get my whole hand in there"

Future Plumbers of America candidate?
This is the way I found the last little bird yesterday, tucked in amongst the foliage of the holy. It's nest mates had already flown the coop, the nest was sideways on the branch, so I think with all four of them smushed in there the nest listed to one side and the others fell out and flew off. I did see one on the ground and when I went to try to capture it to return it to the newly righted nest, it did fly off into the middle branches of a nearby rhodie. I'm imagining that this last hold out was the egg that didn't hatch until two days after the others.

This is how I found it this am, so it obviously hopped it's way back to the nest for over night safety.

And this is how I found the nest this afternoon. All the babies are gone :-( I do still see the parent birds gathering food for the little ones and hear their "danger/anger" calls when I'm wandering around, so the babies must not be totally independent yet.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Daddy's Home

Daddy arrives home to a crazed dog and baby. Of course, he receives a call as soon as his foot hits the yard, but at least he's home.

Caroline is fasinated by the little moths that have recently hatched out and wants to hold them.

Happy dog attached to Dad.

Baby birds are progressing. Only found one out of the nest one day last week; I guess they've figured out how to all fit in the tiny nest. When I checked on them this am, mama stayed on the nest as I peeked. She actually was nestled on a branch right next to the nest; I guess I should take some cues from Mother Nature and truly realize that after you have a child the world revolves around them. :-)

My poor rose. I purchased this one and planted it this spring. Have pulled two little greenish yellow inchworm type things off the bud, but the leaves are like lace and I haven't found any other culprits. Any ideas?

Caroline and my final accomplishment of the day. Moving all the rocks that had been resting on the lawn in front of the other two gardens. Some boarder the black plastic edging we installed to hopefully keep the grass and wild strawberries from intruding; the rest are in the next project area near the mountain laurel at the ditch.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Out and About

Today was very productive. I decided I couldn't deal with all the overcast and/or rainy weather we've been having and decided to go to my friend's house to excavate some small rocks she had offered to finish off the garden on the right of the front steps. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night so I knew once my decision was made, it might VERY quickly change to a lounge day. So, changed the baby, grabbed some snacks and a drink for her, and a diet coke for me and off we went. Once at Cheryl's, I found she had had a similarly sleepless night, but off we trotted after Caroline to hunt snakes. We came across two garter snakes, which I don't care what kind of snake it is, always gives me a start, but not the baby. She wants to hold them and pet them and love them. After that little adventure, off to the rock wall which has some wonderful large rocks on the exterior and then "filler" rocks on the interior. In our excavation, we encountered various aged broken bottles which were pretty cool to think about. Many of the old homesteads in NE have bottle dumps where basically all the trash that couldn't be consumed by livestock was thrown; of course after time, the tin cans disintagrate, leaving mainly broken bottles and pottery. Anyway, after loading up the Tahoe, we were kinda sitting around looking at each other and contemplating our navels so I figured we needed an outing. Myself not really being the queen of spontenaity anymore made the quick descision to go to Meadow View. It only took a tiny nudge to get Cheryl on board and off we went. As luck would have it, the baby fell asleep immediately, we ran some errands and I decided to check out some other spots before going to the plant place. Cheryl, I think, thought I was kidknapping her and was getting a little frustrated with my driving around to let the kiddo sleep a bit more, so I returned to the plant place and there was peace in the world of Mo and Cheryl again. We were like zombees...f l o w e r s. The both of us fortunately had set a budget, because once we got there, we found out there was a 25% sale going on. We could have gotten in some BIG TROUBLE as Caroline says when she is put in her chair for a spell when she is really misbehaving. Made some wonderful purchases, got some great deals and off we went to soe our newest additions to our garden family.
Caroline's poppy plant, she picked out and planted on her own.

The birds are starting to get feathers. When we stopped at the house to drop off the rocks on the way to Meadow View, I decided to check on them and found one baby on the ground. I replaced it in the nest, which is getting quite small for all four of them, and mama and daddy are still feeding them.

The garden on the right's rock boarder. Nothing fancy, but it looks a bit more finished to me.

View of my outside oasis from my inside oasis on the sun porch. I don't know why I love this little garden so much, but for some reason, I just love it.

And finally, I found some GORGEOUS day lilies of different colors and planted them in the newly cleaned out and pruned area closest to the road.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Yippee I have wheels (kinda)

Caroline got a tricycle on Monday. As you can see it has a "tail" as she calls it, that I can guide her with when she rides. And yes, that is a snake hitching a ride (plastic - her latest favorite thing)
It's been raining so much lately that I haven't been outside too much to enjoy these beauties, so I sacrificed them to the vase gods. A bit more short lived than leaving them outside, but I needed some color in the house. By the way, Cheryl, please look at the other picture to get a view of the miniature stone wall I built around the left garden.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Latest and Greatest From My Neck of The Woods

Sweet pea looking at the sweet peas.

Sweet peas, the only plants I was able to grow from seed and transplant this year.

Liatris getting ready to bloom

Goblin sundial daisy sending out a teaser of what is to follow.

One of the delphinium in the new left garden, a different color than the big one in the right garden, and I noticed it is double bloomed.

All four eggs hatched and are being little eating machines. I have been watching poor mama and papa birds constantly traveling back and forth to the nest with bugs and seeds hanging out of their mouths. It's been fun watching the little family.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Mother Nature At Her Best

Although an extremely hot day for this time of year, my wanderings made me appreciate everything around me. Take a look...

Three babies hatched yesterday, one left to go. The picture looks blurred, but it is the little one's down.

Old fashion rose, super thorny stem, blooms only last one day, but the bush is loaded and smells wonderful.
Blue delphinium, mid spike. The top 6 inches haven't bloomed yet.

Peone, one of my favorite flowers, mainly because of their complex blooms, although so short lived.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Back In The Saddle

After my much too long hiatus that I'd like to call "thinking time" I'm back. No clue what my aversion to the blog has been, but here we go again. Nothing much to say 'cept posting lots of pictures. Hope y'all haven't given up on me.

Not a chickadee but a house sparrow, swamp sparrow or possibly a fox sparrow. Pretty eggs though.

I found a cheeky monkey in one of my maples today.

Butterfly milkweed blooming!

Delphinium beginning to bloom, growing sunflowers at the back, and the spikes of the gladiolas beginning to sprout.

Ground level side view of garden to the right of front steps.

View of right front garden.
This is the sad first year of the left garden, as you can see it needs a lot of TLC.

In the oasis, playing with the gator.

Getting windblown in front of the old fashioned roses that smell like heaven.