Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day. It started at 5:30 am. Caroline awoke at 5:32 am, so no time to even take the morning pee before Mom duties (no pun there) began. I could tell she would be feeling better today because of the early (normal) wake up time, so I was actually thankful for the early start. We were both showered, dressed and ready to go; Caroline to the in-laws for a little reprieve for Cheryl and me, and me for my morning out flower hunting, YIPEEEEE!!!!!! Cheryl arrived promptly at 7:20 and off we went, dropped the baby off, got a coffee at the Wagon and down the mountain. I hadn't been to Meadowview in 7 years so imagine my surprise at the vast rehab to the green houses and the expansion they have done. There were soooo many beautiful flowers to choose from, but I fortunately had brought a list and really stuck to it, except for the Mandavilla (I actually want the pink ones of which none were to be had). On the horizon are those lovely golden arches and I had to satisfy one of my many vises and get a breakfast bagel, another coffee, and of course the hashbrown. Yum Yum and I didn't have to share with Caroline. Tee Hee. I felt free although there was a niggling guilt, because she would have really enjoyed all the "bloooooms". Cheryl and I parted ways, I picked up Caroline on the way home, and we went to task. For 5 hours straight, she had me digging, pulling roots, putting in edging, and finally (to her joy) planting some flowers. She refused to nap, so when she fell head first out of her stroller she had been standing in cracking the whip, it was time to go in, grab something to eat, get a bath, and FINALLY get her cranky butt to bed. I CAN"T WAIT TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN TOMORROW - I really mean it; she is so interested I can't squelch that. Here are some of the before pictures Cheryl took this am.