Monday, April 30, 2007

Today's Little Helper

That would be a bottle of bleach. Although not a total germ phobe, I don't like to take chances with a viral infection such that the little has; so because her bummy hurts some much from runny boombooms she has refused to tell me she needs to go, resulting in an overflowing diaper that inadvertently always ends up all over the bathroom when said diaper is removed. Here enters the bleach. Hurray!!! And I didn't think I had anything to say on this blog today, go figure.


Cheryl said...

Somedays our cups do runneth over...bleach is a good thing.

Biddie said...

Oh my, oh my - hang in there - this too will pass. Just keep thinking - in 20 years, you'll be telling Caroline that she WILL survive Caroline Jr. !!!

Kristen said...

eeeeeeeuuuu, ok I don't know how to spell ewe, I remember those days, up the back and all over, get the desitin out!! I think I know what runny boom booms are now.

Cheryl said...

What's up chickenbutt? Whatcha doing today?

Kristen said...

who you calling a chicken butt?

Cheryl said...

If the butt fits.....

Cheryl said...

No ifs, ands or butts about it...Oh heck, I have to stop procrastinating and go clean that darn fish tank....