Saturday, April 24, 2010

More Changes

This one's for K. Just a regular feeder without seed.

A little added point of interest?

Handsome Tater.

Playing mud puppy in the empty hole left by the removal of the fountain.

Just had to see what it would look like.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Of Late

Finally had a day to myself to work on my yard, instead of working at the historical society house. Caroline is on spring break this week and it is proving to truly be turning into spring and fortunately she still enjoys being outside puttering and digging in the dirt. Here are a few pictures of what's blooming and changing.

reworking and extending the stone wall around the day lilies.

Native woodland trillium.

Bleeding hearts cultivar

Back drop garden for the fountain (yep, I'm moving it AGAIN). On the left is transplanted white clematis (hope it makes it), middle is lavender, the green next to it is creeping phlox. Behind the rock are day lilies, and the tree is a rose of sharon. The fountain will be installed in the sandy area in front of the plants.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Beautiful Day !!!

Finally got to Falls Brook after all our rain and had a wonderful hike with Cheryl and Caroline. I was able to take about 100 pictures of which only 10 came out good enough to keep; as far as photography goes, from what I understand, that's not a bad average. So here they are...

"Auntie Cheryl, what are you taking a picture of?"

Caroline being Caroline

The "Big Falls" from the top, I have a better shot just chose the wrong one from the list

I thought this shelf fungus looked really cool and the moss that surrounds it kinda looks like resurrection fern, but much smaller.

When looking through the pictures I thought the water bouncing around looked like acrobats doing a tumbling act.

This one looks like a liquid frog