Before Caroline and I left for GA at the end of Feb, I was just getting the niggling at the back of my brain that winter needed to be over and done. Then we stepped into the GA transitional season of 30s at night and 60s during the day, and I was in heaven!!! I had leaped from mud season to the very beginning of blooming season, the azaleas were beginning to bloom and the red buds were glorious. We tried out a new swamp attraction called Obadiah's Okefenokee. From the cultural, historic aspect of it, fantastic!!! but only if you took the time to really study the map they provided to ID the buildings. They did have some different animals, not just the black bears and gators which gave you a better sense of what is really out there. I gained yet more respect for the people that worked and settled in that area of our country. Our next adventure was the beach at Jekyll Island. It was a picture perfect day, it was even extreme low tide with a sandbar forming a little tide pool with warm water for Caroline. The actual ocean water was still quite cold. While on the island we went to the sea turtle rescue exhibit and with Caroline being a bit older than the last time we were there, it was a nicer experience. She really seemed to grasp some of the environmental concerns associated with our coastal habitats. I was able to have a much too quick visit with some very dear friends and do a bit of catching up. I miss having daily contact with them, but it is nice to know that we are available to each other. And, our final adventure was dear old Okefenokee Swamp Park. It was quite a day and Caroline was taken to her limits and ended up a crumpled heap when it was time to leave the park because she wanted to stay. Show the kid some snakes and alligators and you've got her wrapped around your finger. My final excitement was playing golf. Having been around golfers most of my life (my mom, dad, and brother all golf-and are quite good, I might add) for some reason I fought playing the game. I guess I have finally matured enough to understand the peace one can have wapping a little white ball around a quiet setting while checking out the birds and animals that might be hanging around. Anyway, by osmosis and being forced to watch various golf matches over the years, it seems I retained some of the information and did OK for myself the two times Mom and I played. Go figure. The next step is taking a few lessons and from there who knows maybe the seniors tour as a late bloomer.
All in all, it was a great visit and wonderful reprieve from the blasted cold. Thanks Mom and Dad!!!!!
Meet Tater !! He is our 8 week old goldendoodle, so I guess that would make him a Tater Tot. He seems pretty mellow so far, but I think he is in shock. More in Later Tater. Hee hee...get it?