I was standing out on the back deck the other day and found myself really appreciating where I am. It truly is quite beautiful. Fortunately, I do like the cold (actually enjoy it as a matter of fact). While in Florida, it was the one thing that was missing for me, especially around Christmas. I tried to get in the spirit while there by spending hundreds of dollars on lights to try to "brighten up" the holidays; but it's just not the same as a beautiful blanket of glittering snow. The wonder of seeing the ominous dark clouds in late afternoon and then awakening to the pristine covering of cottony snow, so gorgeous you don't even want to make foot prints in it for fear that the moment will end. Then...the kid in me comes to the surface and I can't wait to get out there with the dog and the baby and flop around trying to make the ever elusive snow angel without the tell tale hand print of the extra effort caused by age and weight as I try to get up from the flopping. And then there are the dog and child taking wild leaps at me as I try to make the perfect angel, so basically, we end up in a big heap, finally get up, and it all starts again.