Sunday, November 11, 2007

First SNOW !!!, redecorating projects, and fun

The baby went to bed a bit earlier than normal, so I'm not in a sleepy, lazy, cozy wanna do nothing mode which has been the norm lately. It is part of the best things about having a little one, after you finally get them into a "routine". Toddlers are on the move pretty much all day, but, for mine, bedtime is a comfort to both of us; we snuggle into the big rocking chair with the white noise from a box fan in the hallway (thank you Sandra), read a few books and sing a few songs. I think it is just the down time we both need after the hectic, roller coaster ride being home with a toddler is. Enough already !!!

WE GOT OUR FIRST !!!!! SNOW Saturday. It was such a nice surprise. Snow is one of the things I really, really missed being down south, but I think we're in for a doozie of a winter this year. Like they say, be careful what you wish for...

Also, been working on some redecorating projects. Mainly just painting walls, but making the house "ours" as they say. So, doing a little experimenting with colors, we'll see what the final result is like; I have found that colors really fascinate me and with peri-menapause stuff happening Lord knows how things will turn out.

The flash on the camera makes this wall look baby blue, but it is a blue green with grey undertones - going for a more classic Victorianish look. Only painted this one wall in the living room the rest of the living room is off white.

New taffeta valences over windows. Deep burgundy that can look almost black with some gold crosshatch and dingle balls. I'll provide a more close up view some other time. I think the pink dolly stroller really adds the finishing touch to the look I'm going for though.

I also found this window scarf thing that I fell in love with to go over the trim work of the sliding doors that lead to the sun porch. The door was really bothering me, mainly because it just takes soooo much away from the room. The sliders will eventually be changed out to french doors, but until then, this is what I came up with.
And finally, the fun part...taking "Giraffy" for a naked tricycle ride through the house !!!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I Had A Thought

I have decided that I do a bunch of wallowing in self pity (for lack of a better word) and I need to make some more positive changes to my life. One of the things I've come to realize (while reading an article in Readers' Digest of all places) is that I express very little gratitude and thankfulness. Now, according to this article, there have been studies done about being thankful and these studies have shown that people who exercise this habit seem to be happier, better adjusted, and healthier. Soooo...I have made a pledge to myself to express my gratitude; don't worry, I won't be regaling everyone with wishy washy, tweet tweet tweet, sappy stuff all the time, just occasionally. I figure if I can find three things a day to be thankful for, I'll be doing great. If I'm having a bad day, I'll go on a gratitude walk and be thankful for every step I'm able to take.
Here goes:
1) I thank God for the true friendships I have. Each one is special and unique in it's own right, but I treasure them equally.
2) I'm thankful for my continued growth as a person and spiritually.
3) And finally for today, I'm thankful for all the support and love my family gives me.
Have a great day everyone!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

The long awaited for day arrived. We have had the costume that Caroline picked out hanging in the closet since it seems like April (I know it wasn't that early, but come on Christmas stuff has been on the shelves at the stores for a month) So with the addition of a boa and a purse, she is ready to go out trick or treating at 4:30. People weren't even home from work yet and when it came down to it, it wasn't the candy, I think it was the dressing up and walking around the neighborhood and seeing other kids that had her going. Now the day had started out pretty normal and I hadn't mentioned dressing up or candy, but there must have been a vibe in the air, cuz there was no nap or even a semblance of one and by 5:00 it was melt down time, crying, her costume hurt, didn't want the hat on, etc. Back home we went to hand out candy to other kids with Caroline helping and all was well. We had some tea on the front porch to keep warm and she fell asleep handing out candy at about 7:15. Whew, her first real Halloween over. I find myself already planning for next year. My plan after last year's holidays was to get out the day after each one and hit the decorations sales, so that's the plan for today.

The Princess getting ready to attend to the awaiting masses.

Speaking to the masses from the front porch.

Off to get some candy and mingle with the masses.