Be thankful for all the GOOD in and around you
A 16" cucumber, she ate the whole thing.
Being sassy at "Eagle lookout" (didn't want her picture taken)
Decides it's OK to have picture taken and is totally hamming it up.
Hamming #2
Hamming #3
Hamming #4
Playing in the raked leaf piles
Brett and Lili helping Caroline fill "scary" pumpkin head bags.
This is the end result of an extremely energetic toddler walking nearly all of a two mile hike.
"Eagle lookout" again later a couple of days ago (overcast day, but can still see colors)
Today on the way home from the grocery store. I missed an amazing shot on my way there. I was coming down a hill and the sun exploded onto the trees on my left just slightly in front of me and no where else. The sky surrounding this light pocket was still overcast with dark storm laden clouds.
This is the intersection at the bottom of Mt. Rd. I thought the old barn surrounded by color was nice. On a better day, probably better, but oh well.